Saturday, July 18, 2009

TechDays Canada 2009

Microsoft Tech Days Canada 2009 is scheduled beginning September 09. Early bird registration is still available, which means you pay $299 instead of $599.

Its an awesome event, from all the exposure I've got of it till now. It's a 2 day event full of 40 amazing sessions, divided in 5 tracks, covering 7 cities throughout Canada. It gives an excellent opportunity to soak stuff first-hand, and not-to-mention the marvelous opportunity to network with Microsoft Pro community members, & like-minded IT professional just like you.

What you take home with you is;
  • a TechNet Plus subscription, giving you - Full-version software for evaluation - without time limits – including Microsoft operating systems, servers, and Office System software along with a free subscription to TechNet Magazine among other goodies
  • first-hand exposure to all the new and enhanced stuff with exposure to the community
  • business cards of the people you networked with!
  • advantage of knowing tools and technology and pursuing it before it hits the market this fall.

It's confirmed & am excited and to be a part of this awesome event as a speaker on one of the Windows client session topic. More will flow to you, keep checking for information.

Whenever something like this is going to happen, I tend to think it from the points in time where it is actually happening & after it has happened! (Call it parallel universe, as per Joey deVilla's line-of-thought) I drive my thoughts from those future points in time to see how I need to be placing myself now, whats my line of action which will lead me to the finish point, what attitude/skills it asks for, enabling me to make it to the point in time, I want me in.

This theory actually comes from a yoga technique, as I was told about, which tells to look back at things from the point in time you want it to reach or attain, and then from there, walk backwards to your current position in time. This will help you make decisions more accurately and will give you a clearer picture of the path that needs to be followed.

Well, for now, I ask you to do the same with your existing point-in-time status, see for yourself how TechDays can turn things around for you! Give it a thought... ! :)


Kamlesh Chandra

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