Tweetak tweetak twititya..
Wow, twitter has in a way revolutionized communication. Recently, I found people from all walks of life having an audience to share directly without any middle-men, media, or editors.... to talk-to, inspire or just simply connecting with thoughts. I find this communication very genuine as it gives a one-to-one touch. The way all this has penetrated into everyone's daily live is amazing!
And this, has always got me excited & interested; the useful applications of technology. I had a strong inclination towards achieving what a certain tool could best possibly deliver, rather then how amazing a tool was. Although, not undermining the tool, I always found the value of the tool in what it could help deliver & leverage other tasks/applications.
Useful application of technology:
Back in the college days, we were learning C++. In one of those fresher classes we were introduced to writing code on sorting, palindromes etc, & were assigned to develop variants of these programs ourselves at home. I had read and heard amazing powers of C++ and really wanted to dive deeper then what was assigned. So, instead of doing the assignment, my first real C++ program was a system password access utility integrated at the BIOS level, I even made it a little colorful too, used C++ graphic, fonts and system beeps for wrong password entered; flashing screens on wrong passwords. All colors and behaviors thrown-in to make it look like a real BIOS utility. That was some real hard application with lots of fun! I would go back to the code every few days to re-do things and make it work a bit better. I enjoyed doing all that.
Also, that reminds me of one another episode related to coding and design. Back in the college days, me and my partner, Navnit, had a project to do. Navnit's focus was mostly on the code, whilst my focus was mostly on the GUI. I was more worried about how the data readability and how it would make sense to the user. The "beauty components", as Navnit would refer it, humorously. Now, it turns out, that's what we have been missing all this while. The data making sense & user experience, that is. Something that was just a cliche then, now is a job profile and organization across all horizontals and verticals are aware and implementing positions to get that "beauty component" working.
At the end:
Utilities like twitter, are not just codes, they are purposes, supported by good codes and an interfaces that combines and actually make the code generate value & achieve it's purpose.
Some twitter people I enjoy reading from include but are not limited to;
@ShashiTharoor @BeingSalmanKhan @DeepakChopra @simonsinek @RicksterCDN
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