Sunday, February 8, 2009


Alright, before I go ahead, sometimes I have pondered on why and how, I think so much and dream so much. I mean literally "dream". Well, most have laughed on my nap taking skills. When I am doing nothing, I hibernate, un-intentionally ! And, in my dreams I have seen most amazing things otherwise un-thinkable. I have seen a complete movie, a complete live and running story, of characters i haven't read or was told about! So, I had a thought, on when I will be able to attend a skool where I could go-in and enrich my thoughts, share them, challeneg them and bring out the best in me. A skool where, my physics or maths grade would not make me feel holding-on-tight!
What I am today, is what values more then what I was in my skool. For, those who were best in that time, have conditioned themselves into specifics of things. I on the other hand maybe still have an open-mind, and a mind which is sparking. Maybe its time to pull the cord, or turn the key... and start it run !

I know what most will say... ;p

Following is the link to a video worth watching about, changing education paradigm:


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